Stake Virgo,
earn rewards

Stake your VGO now and receive an exceptional return of up to 36.4%.
Grow your cryptos with confidence and simplicity.

Stake your VGO

Staked VGOs


Distributed VGOs



Stake in 3 simple steps

It only takes a few minutes.

Access the wallet

Open the wallet from your device. Create a new wallet, or access an existing one.

Deposit your VGO

Transfer your VGO. If you don't have any, buy here.

Earn rewards

Select an amount and a time period. Lock up your VGO and earn rewards.

Opt for simplicity

Grow your VGO quickly and easily. To stake, you don’t need any particular hardware or device. You can do it directly from your phone or PC.
Reward distribution every 2 weeks
No fees for blocking and unblocking VGOs
Stacking accessible to all. You can bet and win rewards with just 100 VGO ($7).

Buy Virgo Coin (VGO)

Virgo Coin is available to purchase and trade on a variety of platforms including both centralized and decentralized exchanges. Pancakeswap and LaToken are among the most liquid exchanges for VGO.
Dashboard mockup

Frequently asked questions

How can we help you?
What is staking?
Staking is a way of earning rewards by holding certain cryptocurrencies.
Why should I stake?
You will earn passive income by getting rewarded in VGO.
Are my tokens safu when I stake?
Yes. Nobody except you will have access to your tokens. Make sure not to lose your mnemonic phrase or private key.
Can I use my tokens while staking?
No, you cannot use your tokens while staking. To withdraw them, you have to unstake them first. Unstaking takes 7 days.
What happens if I unstake my tokens during the lockup period?
If you unstake your tokens during the lockup period, you will lose the rewards and those rewards will be burned.

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